Friday, February 7, 2014

A little dose of Cuteness

 Just a dose of cuteness from over the last year in no particular order of date created. Some needed interpretation but those ones I consider an even higher dose of adorableness.  Enjoy the heart of a 6-7 year old.

" I am Sorry.  I love you .  Love Addy."

"I went to the playground with my Daddy."
"My family likes to play hide and seek in the dark with...( flashlights)."

" I love you so much.  Love Addy.  Love."

I love my Mom so much, just so much. Love Addy."

" I love you so much that I want you to come to my school today."

" Don't stand up on the bus."

" I stepped in Cherry."

" One school rule is raise your hand."

" I love you so much that I could give you lots of kisses."

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Back then

Brief pass through memory lane. 
There are more interesting things to share but I just had to when I stumbled on a few old boxes last week.These  particular sentimental pieces of evidence were of me around the age of my own daughter today. 
That little girl, so very tiny, is now a full grown woman. Me, a Mom and wife. Molded, stretched and tried year after year....and still today, like a new creation. Its all too big for my mind to fully understand. 
How is it possible that my tiny heart has been beating in time for this long?  Each one of us are a miracle.  You, your children, your family, your friends...even the stranger at the post office.

 That carefree teenager below had no clue what would be in store. 
This was the invitation that my mother had made for my graduation party.   Its still in one piece after all these years. Left: Heading to Elementary school for the first time.  Right: High School Senior picture

My first steps in my faith.  How cute is my wobbly cursive??
Communion...I was Addys age.  I remember that day like it was yesterday.  The princess white gown and the freshly curled bangs.

My little 7 year old self loved the Lord.  Not quite like today, but the seed was planted. My prayers were a lot different then but none the less , the Lord has heard me, still is ever present and has been so faithful over the years.

"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Its not always for us

 It can safely be said that the only good thing about winter is seeing the kids enjoy the snow.  Oh, and maybe, how perfectly pretty it looks.  The rest I could do with out  all together.  This  is one of the only reasons you would see me out there in this nasty join the begging gang of smiles.
George insisted that ALL of the backyard toys be taken out this day.  Guess what didn't get put away afterwards and it now covered in 5 plus inches of snow out there?
Guy smiley going for a ride. Traffic stops for no one around here.
Miss Addy is afraid of nothing cold. Of nothing at all really.  Watching her made me cold.  Mama's a wimp.
My own snow angel.  Its true...she is in general, an angel.

There are many times in a day, a week, where I am found doing things I don't necessarily enjoy 100%.  Like sitting soaking wet in a snowbank for a hot minute too long in our backyard,  coloring in same coloring books for the umpteenth time that week, or re-tucking in for the 8th time in that patience draining bedtime dance, cleaning up the microscopic Lego's after my fingers hurt from pulling them apart for a frustrated 7 year old for 16 hours straight.....the list can be endless.  
( some exaggeration is necessary to make a point and almost always
when talking about a child )

I do count it all joy ( to a healthy degree, I'm human! ) with my creatures though because sometimes we must 'love' as an action, we just do it.  You know, those things you'd rather not be doing at that exact moment.   Sometimes its fun, sometimes its just bad timing so its not the blast it should be.   BUT  I see your facebook updates.  I see you in your backyard when I head to the store.  I see your kids sticky hands when you are late for church. I see your awesome parenting, heck, I wouldn't want to miss it!...I see you helping to build memories.  You are awesome!!
 I see your kids wrecking your kitchen while they are trying to make dinner 'with you'. 
 I see your kids building a ramp out of your freshly laundered clothes.  
I see you cleaning up thousands of tiny stickers that are stuck to your tables after a craft.  Hey....I'm doing it too.....we are in this boat together ( even with our half smiles...our hearts are pretty full).  

At some point in my life someone did it for me.  Someone did it for you. They showed us their love by making the time. 
 Getting on our level and looking us in the eye. 
 Laughing with us ( probably because of exhaustion but hey,  I didn't know that !)
Its our turn.   So , lets try and find it in us to always just do it because that is what they deserve ( ....and don't we always end up glad that we did in the end??). I'm doing better in this area and the more I just give in  the easier it gets.  I'm letting the dishes sit longer and the laundry piles get a little more ferocious.   The mess ain't going anywhere.  Trust me...Ive been praying and waiting on it.  Just not happening. So run off and play.  You cant afford not to.
"Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her." - See more at:
Matthew 26:13
"Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her."
- See more at:

Matthew 26:13
"Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her."
- See more at:
'Truly I say to you, wherever the Gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her."
Matthew 26:13
Matthew 26:13
"Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her."
- See more at: