Even the most wonderful relationships have days in the ditch. My husband and I are no exception. Most of the time we are good friends...a great team. When work gets hectic and the kids moods worsen, then the financial woes get heavy, sometimes it takes a toll. Everything turns into a clash of words or deadening silence. Both don't sit well. Won't pretend to have a good answer or anecdote because I simply do not. I hold tight to the fact that we both want to be more like Christ in everything and every relationship we manage. We are eager to please God. Because of this, even in the deep angry void, I know that we will be ok. Even with the Truth we stand on there are times it takes a while to get back on track. Sometimes I just don't feel like doing what I need to make things right. Sometimes his mood will have to dive deeper for him to come out of it. We are not perfect.This week kind of followed this wave of 'ick'. When the sun started to set it began to lighten.
Last night I was cleaning the kids porch/ playroom and picked up junk I didn't even know existed. I was furious at the miscellaneous broken toys I found, food...a complete mess. This is my job...grrr. I started getting madder and madder thinking that dear husband was sitting on the swing outback with the kids while I once again cleaned something that had I not it would not EVER be done. Toy after toy I cleaned, placed back where they belonged. Amongst this joy ( insert sarcasm) I picked up dozens of bouncy balls. My heart lightened and it brought me back to what was important. Those bouncy balls were 6 years old. They went from our old rental to our home and eventually into the excited hands of my precious daughter.
My husband bought those bouncy balls for me years ago when he was head over heals. He would often do things to try and blow my mind. He knew as a kid I collected these bouncy balls and how I just got the greatest kick out of all the fun and devious things you could do with them and to make people laugh....even surprise them. He had a company deliver 2,500 of them to my home while we were dating. Imagine my surprise when this truck backed up and to open the boxes and laugh in shear delight. He had loved me more fully than any man before him.
So I had a smack upside the head. Was it God? This morning I went into the basement and gathered the bins they were bagged and dusty in. I dug my hands into them. I decided to incorporate these into our everyday lives. Put them someplace that would remind me of the uncountable blessings I have been given. We had an old water cooler jug floating around and I filled it. It will go nicely into our dining room for everyday viewing. Obviously there are at least a thousand more....it barely held half. It reminded me of Gods love. It fills me up and pours out. I simply cannot hold it all in. His love never ends . It never fails. It reminds me to pour that love and sometimes forgiveness into the relationships around me. Its my job. To think you can apply the principles written in His book to a small bouncing ball. Pretty awesome God we serve.
Is there someone in your life today who needs your forgiveness? Your compassion? Your love? God forgave us and loves us unconditionally. Its your turn.
For if you forgive people their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Matthew 6:14
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