A week or so ago we were having another gorgeous weather kind of winters day and headed out for a bit to enjoy it. This was the first time we have hit the playground all together and all of us were able to move freely and enjoy it. The kids are getting so big so fast and in turn getting easier to take out ( into open spaces that is). |
This is a playground at the new elementary school Addison goes to. Everything about the school and the grounds is awesome. Our community is so lucky to have our kids to go to such a gorgeous and innovative place.
Drew looks a bit weary....or he was thinking about what he could do next to make my blood pressure rise. I don't miss the anxiety involved with quick crazy movements and mini accidents. Addy was like this too...full steam ahead all the time. |
Loved the slide. All 3 of them do. Drew is a daredevil, George is a tad bit harder to warm to things. He is cautious with most new experiences and often clings to Mama. Addy loved slides as a little girl but at some point years ago she had a fall on a slide at church and decided to avoid them with a passion for about 6 months. Thankfully she has recovered from this and is back to her beautiful fearless self. |
Checking out how this all works. So many different textures and levels. Such a good sport at this .
I wonder if they get those flutterings in their belly when something is scary or they become anxious with fear or excitement like adults do. Lord knows I do,and occasionally get them for others in those experiences even when I have no part in it. |
Daddy is in on the fun too. He is massive but fits in the silliest of places when his kids want him to. I manned this slide too but was a static mess and zapping everyone I touched for the next 20 minutes.
It has been such a phenominal experience raising kids with a man who is open to stuff. It has made this spectacular time so free and full of joy. |
All bundled up and very adorable. Like little hunters. Thank you Mimi for our adorably warm hats. There really isn't a cuter stage for kids. If only all people were this adorable. |
Not sure what he is to do here. Not looking forward to braving the playground structures alone with the kids in the near future. Lord knows they are out to get me with naughtiness....lol. |
Walking in circles and thinking this is another planet for sure. My little lumberjack.
George is happy just to be watching everyone enjoying themselves where ever we go. He is a people watcher like his Mama. I could be totally content on a park bench, diet coke in hand, watching people. |
Yes. I'm cute. Mom tells me ALL the time.
Just had to get a closer look at that little squished nose and chubby cheeks. |
Another view.
Can you believe that Drew will someday be a grown man?? Look how tiny he is. Man, it happens to fast. I hope they still want to spend time with us like this the older they become. |
The static inducing slide. Drew was all smiles here. Drew, I love your little peanut head and those massive paws of yours! |
Showing her brothers the ropes. Addy, you are so beautiful!
I think this is the only picture I managed to get of her the entire afternoon. Like my Dad says, she has a motor in her butt!
Talk about fun people watching, this girl is the ultimate one to watch. She can step in and out of a dream world in a snap. So creative, inquisitive and adorable |
Wood tastes nice. Who would have thought?!
I have to pick my battles with him because he puts everything in his mouth. He has to check everything out in every way possible. PLUS...this kids is known for temper tantrums. AND the worlds worst cry.....we step lightly sometimes. |
Exploring. Look at that! The worlds tiniest little walker. |
The afternoon was a great time out. You know its going by too fast when all 3 of them are going in different directions. ....and fast. I get such a kick out of watching them on foot and exploring. They really have such a hard time navigating all the different landscapes they run into . Getting better everyday. ....Too cute to watch. We just recently got them their first real pair of sneakers. Talk about cute.
This winter has been so tame. Its been kind of a blessing not feeling so trapped like the usual winters hunkering down inside. Still not enough though for me, very much looking forward to a real spring and being outdoors the majority of the day. Life will be easier for sure and spirits will be pumped back up full time. Who doesn't find themselves feeling more alive when sitting in the beautiful outdoors God created? Fresh air, sounds of laughter, hearts pumping faster, colds ending.....spring come quick.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
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