Monday, April 22, 2013

February 2013

        In January I found myself on a few sites via facebook that dealt with rescue dogs. Our family had our hearts set on a dog named Hensley that was a brown and white Shepard mix.  We had been approved and were simply waiting for the pup to get healthy and up to date with everything to get ready for transport.  Unfortunately  Hensley never got better but ended up getting worse.  He never recovered from his sickness and passed away before we could get him home.  It was the first time since Liberty passed away that I had opened my heart and our family up to the idea of bringing home a new dog.  We were so disappointed in the outcome but determined that there was a puppy out there that needed us as much as we needed them.

          About a week or so later I was tagged in a photo of this adorable pup named 'Sid'.  Pure white with the cutest facial markings.  I fell in love immediately.  She had been dropped off at a high kill/gassing shelter in North Carolina with two siblings, also little girls.  We contacted the wonderful woman Toni who is the master of puppy rescue and were shown all three and given a had to be 'Sid' because Addy had her heart set the moment she laid eyes on her!

After a few weeks wait we were able to bring her home!!!  Luckily we were able to find homes for both sisters as well.  My mother in law adopted Sam and an old friend of mine took home Sky.  Matt and his Mom drove down to meet Toni at a designated place halfway in Connecticut.  Addy had the pleasure of going and I sat home waiting for the news that she was OURS!!!  It  was like waiting for the arrival of a new baby.  

We quickly renamed her 'Hollis' which had a sentimental reason.  Matt and I fell in love there and lived in the town of Hollis when we first moved in with one another.  It was perfect for her.

This was two of the sisters in a crate waiting to go home.

 This was the first photo I received via text message when she was in our families arms for the first meeting.  Addy was over the moon.

 It was a long three hours to wait after being the one doing the handy work with Toni to get her here. Torture really because it was all I was seeing and working on for weeks. When they arrived at the door and she popped her head in , I was instantly full of joy.  She was the one we had been waiting for all this time.  The puppy to fill the void that sweet Liberty left behind back in 2010.

She fits in just beautifully and its like she has always been here.  It was a bit of a transition, as most big things are, but with time it was old bag and everything fell in to place. 

 The Gregg family had grown once again. 
 The Gregg's.....The Gregg family of six.

"I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you-the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you-every living creature on earth." 
(Genesis 9:9-10)

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