Time simply slipped away. The business of love and family trumped all. This is what the Gregg's have been up to.
Addy started first grade. A morning this Mom dreaded forever. I did everything I could to make it a day of perfection for her...from the outfit, to her favorite snacks, anything to keep my mind off the fact that my baby would not be prancing through the back yard all day with her brothers, but completely out of my sight. It turned my stomach to think of it.
This is how terribly upset she was to be on her merry way. Not. Not a flinch. Not a 'Im scared.' Nothing. Just a gleaming grin of excitement. A day she was dreaming every bit as much about as I was dreading and shedding silly tears over.
We went to the bus stop as a family this first morning. The boys convinced they were following her on, eventually looked as sad as I felt to see her drive away. Before she entered the door to this day , I hopped in front of her and insisted on just one more kiss. Luckily for me there was no embarrassment or hesitation. Just the most beautiful big wonder-filled eyes. Oh Addy, how I wish I still saw the world through eyes like yours.
How could we not just smile back and let her know that this was a big day, a hard day, but boy it was going to be good.
And just like that. They drove away. I was able to muster a smile of pride...my baby girls attitude toward this adventure had smoothed over those wrinkles of worry I had built up that would turn out to be nothing at all. My girl was ok. We had done ok with this parenting so far, she had the confidence to look at this change in the face and with a smile. No fear. Relief washed over me.......
.......as.....I got in my van and followed the bus to school. Yes..I was that Mom. I hid out and took a picture of the bus pulling in. Of her holding the hand of a scared little girl and entering the school. THEN I even went inside and took a picture of her in wait. Leaving I cried a little on the way back but mostly out of happiness. It was a good morning and it was an even better afternoon when her brothers and I sat at the bus stop and practically bubbled over in excitement for that bus to pull back up and give her back. Grinning wider than I had ever seen her, she stepped off, ran and hugged me tight. Told me it was 'the best day ever'.
Addy started up her third year of soccer. This year was especially special because Daddy and her friend Ella's dad were the coaches. A great team of great girls. Relaxed and fun season.
The boys enjoyed soccer practice too.
With Addy being at school all day during the week, the boys and I were able to really spend some quality fun time together. It was really cool to watch the dynamic of the two of them alone together and really get to know their new growing personalities. They no longer look like my little babies, but little men. They have a cute little relationship and their own 'way' together.
Fall <3
We visited Windy Hill Orchard with some friends as we do every year. The kids look forward to and so do we.
We spent Halloween in Peterborough with a bunch of friends. Our theme this year was 'pups'.
The kiddos.
Puppies have been on our kids minds a ton with the new arrival of our new fur baby Baylee. She was another rescue from North Carolina. Hollis loves her.
George will probably want to strangle me someday when he sees this but this is a HUGE milestone for our family. NO MORE DIAPERS. Both boys are potty trained and doing fantastic. I was so nervous to get this started because I assumed it was going to be a massive under taking...but within a week we were a go! Way to go Drew and George!
Glasses. OFFICIALLY old. Its pretty mind blowing to even say how old I am now without feeling like I lost half my life ,but now my body is really aging too. Time DOES fly by...its not just a saying anymore. Its happening in our home. Operation 'slow down and enjoy each second' is whats going on here now. I don't want to turn around and notice another 10 years as quietly slipped away.
Late October/

Soon after pictures, the holidays wizzed by as well. We were able to see all of our loved ones this year in this short window of time and our hearts were truly filled. All the aches and pains of the past crumbled away and we just loved and embraced each other, letting the grip of the year go and releasing it to a new year of beautiful unknown things.
The minute Thanksgiving ended , out we went for our tree and started decorating.
....and had some silly fun at it . What good is life if you cant let that love fill you will visible joy and delight?
Lord you have blessed this year with a love we have never known. We are praising you for blessings now and those we know not of yet. You are so good, Lord, You are so faithful. Entering the new year is so exciting. May we bring Glory to Your name in huge ways.
He who was seated on the throne
said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for
these words are trustworthy and true."
(Revelation 21:5)
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