As part of our Advent Calendar, each day had something fun to do as a family. Craft projects, special dinners, outings..etc. This particular day read: Daddy is taking the day off work. We are going to take a train into the city and visit the Aquarium! This is a picture in the parking garage outside in Boston. Addy is a lover of elevators so this could very well be her most favorite part of the day. |
None of the kids have ever been to the Aquarium so we were more excited to take them I think then they were to go. It was freezing cold and it took a lot of finagling to get ourselves there but we were determined. |
George was stoked that he was able to move around by himself. Fascinated by all the new things and faces around him. He was still a bit unsteady with walking when we went but he sure gave running a good try several times. |
Amazed at how all this is in the ocean and she had no idea. I actually feel a little bit bad and disappointed in my husband and I that she had not been till now. |
Spotted something interesting it seems. Most of the time he was looking at his own reflection in the glass thinking that kid is so funny. Thats about as deep as Andrew gets....he is such a boy. |
I miss the one on one. Today was perfect to experience this new and exciting place with her. Watching her view life is so magical still for me. |
Daddy and his 'handfuls'. |
Afraid of absolutely nothing. She sat here with the 'teacher' for so long. I was amazed to see her have such focus and a desire to hear an adult speak..lol. She really enjoyed this and touched everything there was to touch. |
Massive turtle. Drew kept trying to kiss it. |
Head to the glass. If I just keep waving to the fish I will eventually get one. |
Waiting for the nasty shark to make its way back around. That thing was so gross and creepy. It looked so fake ( although they said it wasn't), but still gave me the heebie jeebies. |
Dad in all is glory. Off work, hanging out with all his kids and doing something science related. I had a wonderful time too, but above all, it is was more fun just watching the kids see everything. These kinds of outings are great but end up being a lot of work for the adults. Perfect. |
Stopped by the cafe to eat our prepared lunches before getting back to the train and heading home. Its so nice to have the boys eating solid food now. Makes trips easier and feedings messy, but less of a huge ordeal. |
Georges look says," Come on Ma, do we have to go already?" |
The entire Advent Calendar was so enjoyable this year. Addy finally had siblings to enjoy this with and she was old enough to really understand everything that was going on. Christmas time is so magical.
We celebrated Christs birthday all month in every way we could. What a gift He is to us. We are such a blessed people. In all of this celebrating we want to teach our children the true meaning of this time. A Savior was born to us. To save us, to love us, to give His life for us. In this broken world its hard to recognize the blessings sometimes, hard to see the beauty in the everyday...He made it all though. It is all so wonderfully made.
But ask the animals, and they will teach you;
the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
Ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you;
and the fish of the sea will declare to you.
Who among all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every living thing
and the breath of every human being.
Job 12:7-10
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