On the eve we checked the radar and realized that Santa was crossing the ocean on his way to us so we quickly got our things in order. A note for Santa, cookies, milk, and carrots and water for the reindeer. When we got tucked into bed she said she just didnt know how to get to sleep! After the busy-ness of the day she conked out fairly quick. The boys were down for the count too. |
Caught a glimpse of Santas delivery in the early morning before the craziness began. |
Santa surprised me with a gorgeous growth chart. Now I can have this to take with us to the nursing home when we are in our 80's ;) |
Santa blew my mind with this surprise. Matt and I browsed a local store in Milford center on our second date and we saw a sign just like this. I gushed over how lovely I thought it was and how I wanted to decorate my home someday in sweet things like this. 7 years later and Santa blessed me with this handmade version of the one we saw that day. He sure does have an excellent and thoughtful memory . |
Santa came Mom!! |
After we sang happy birthday to Jesus Addy tore into all the goodies. I found myself tearing over watching all of my children and my husband around the tree. I worried for so long that we would never be able to bless Addy with siblings ...and here they were. Crawling all over her, eating wrapping paper and giggling. |

Drew checking out all the colorful things. Can you spot him in there?
Addy opened everything. We had to remind her to slow down...I think she likes opening things more than she does the actual 'stuff'. It looks like a TON of stuff, but really not as much as it may look, we just wrapped everything in all kinds of ways to make it feel fun and make it last longer.
George is just amazed at how cool his sister is, how fast she is moving and probably thinking he could use some cheerios right about now.
The day was going to be crazy busy so we literally had 45 minutes of 'around the tree time' before we had to be on the road. We were heading in to Newton to visit with my Father and his family. They do an early xmas dinner at 11:00 !! Its quite a hike but the kids got their morning nap on the way and were thrilled to see everyone. They were showered with gifts there, had some yummy meatballs then we had to move along again. There are little to no pictures because the boys were cranked up running from one end of the house to the other.
Our final destination was to Nana and Grampas. We head here every Christmas afternoon and stay into the evening. Aunt Carol and Uncle Larry joined us and it was special as always. Addy had a blast playing with her big cousins and the boys just enjoyed getting into everything and soaking up as much attention as the could muster. |
Again, another table has grown. What will next Christmas bring?? Excited to see. |
Addy loved this tree and was in awe that some of the ornaments were actually made by her Daddy many many many years ago ( many...many...many..;) |
Post dinner there wasn't much left to wear. This was what was left after they ruled the dinner table with their horrible manners.These boys are so hard on their clothes and the messiest eaters ever. They were hooting and hollering at the table like a bunch of monkeys. Even throwing pees. |
Feeling really cool playing with funky pipe cleaners. We made lots of strange things and George and Andrew just chewed on them. Nana always has the coolest stuff for the kids to do. She is so prepared. |
The Gregg ladies getting in a photo op. |
Drew showing Aunt Carol that he can do it too! |
The kids favorite part of the day. Banging the keys and making sweet music all together. |
Addy got in the game too. How cute are they? |
George is questioning Addy taking over. |
George breaks it down while Andrew takes a moment to dance it out. |
The end of the day. Another Christmas has come to an end. With all the hussle and bustle we managed to come through it all with a smile and deeply grateful hearts. May you remember Gods work in your life everyday...not just on Christmas. |
This year I am going to try and slow down a little bit. To not look so far ahead. No more looking to get to certain dates or milestones. Im going to be present with what is happening because if we don't we miss all the important stuff. Tired of life flying by...I want to be in on the ride.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds thourgh Christ Jesus. Finally. brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things areof good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which you have both learned, and received, and heard and seen in me, do and the God of peace shall be with you.
Philippians 4:7-9
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