Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mothers Day 2014

A very loved and blessed wife to Matt for more than 7 years.

Mom of three amazingly beautiful children ; 
Addy, Drew and George. A love that multipliedd with each 'first cry' and continues to grow in a manner that cannot be described with words alone.

Daughter of a mighty God who despite my many flaws, is just crazy in love with me.

Counting my blessings.

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” 
Proverbs 31 : 25-30

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Lost Hour

 I have lost an hour of me time.  
An hour to do nothing, or an hour to cram in EVERYTHING that needs to be done without interruption.  
The miracle hour......

This is a sacrifice I have been forced to make in order to restore household peace. We have rid our schedules of nap altogether (at least adult initiated ones). Night after night this year, bedtime had becomes tiring and drawn out. All three of them..stinking , rotten, difficult EVERY night ( goes with my whole theory that God created certain children especially adorable for a reason). By the time the bouncing around, bathroom trips, and yelps for water stopped each night it would be ten o'clock.  Much too much for this mom and Dad, I tell you, so bad we would start arguing over who " went in last".  So, as sad as it was to see this glorious special Mom hour disappear, it has led to beautiful bedtimes.  
Mostly, and around here, mostly is success. 

 It hasn't stopped them completely though. 

 These tiny naps happen randomly and in strange strange places.  Sometimes they are naked, next day they could be in a clown costume.  You just never know, which is part of the fun I guess. Too cute for words. I now have a good dozen of these pictures captured on my phone. I mean, what really is cuter than these? All in all...this is proof that I am capable of wearing out two very energetic 3 year olds ( and puppies).  My first grader ( almost 2nd grader..*tear*)?....not so much. Her battery is always charged and ready to go. If I could harvest a fraction of it  I would be a super hero.

 So, as another milestone of growth has come, it has resulted in no more needing to be in the house from one to three everyday. It has most definitely opened up our lives to more fun and flexibility. We can accept more invites to play dates, it allows us to linger longer when the lingering is good, and it makes for sleepy sweethearts at night. 

This is how we 'nap' now.

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8

A CBS first...sisters in Christ

Oh girls , how I miss you!!  I have been blessed by knowing you.

 It had been over a year since I had engaged in an actually bible study outside of our home church , Good News Bible. A friend of mine had recommended Community Bible Study in Peterborough which I had never even heard of .( Thank you Michelle!) I was a bit hesitant because of the commitment of so many months, and unsure of how the boys would do at their first experience in a classroom setting (and without Mom). They can be so unpredictable .....but I really had no excuse seeing that it was the first year that Addy was in school full time and the opportunity was dangling in front of me.  After asking around I was just getting the same thing from each person who had been.....just join!

Well, I'm so very thankful that I gave it a try because it just completely changed my heart this year and it was so refreshing to see The Book of John alongside other women. We broke it down letter by letter, a true Love Story to us!

 Man, it was a HARD year for me. There were some trials that could have just crushed my spirit to pieces ,but I feel like this really just kept my eyes on the Lord. Exactly as they should always be focused.  This beautiful group of women weekly shared their hearts and just fervently prayed for each other, encouraged one another, as only sisters in Christ can.  It was a true blessing. 

Such a completely enlightening study and I have come away with some lovely new friends ! George and Drew have too. I feel like, after going through this study , that I know Christ in such a more intimate way now.  

Jesus, You are so good. You are so faithful. You  just pour on exactly what we need at the exact moment that we need it.

  If anyone local is on the hunt for a Bible Study , I highly suggest this place and this phenomenal group of ladies. I , as well as both boys, had such a perfect experience and are looking forward to September to start up again. If you are at interested, go on and sign up because spots fill up fast .

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Squirrels Life

Meet Journey. 
 Journey , a six week old abandoned baby squirrel we found back in late May. She had been creeping in the backyard and had sparked the dogs interest. When I was introduced to the seen, she decided I was her lost mother. Her and I locked eyes, lol, and I resisted the urge to run as she approached. Sad, but so stinking adorable.  Addy affectionately named her what she did because it was her new " Journey'...I thought it was sweet and clever. We spotted her out by the sandbox and when she saw me she scurried over and tried to curl up in my pant leg. I was pretty freaked and thought for sure I was going to be bit and contract rabies. It was quite the production out there. 

Matt wide eyes looking at me like I was a lunatic.
I, in a calm, fearless...bahaha.
Dogs lost in a barking trance, licking their chops in excitement.
 Addy crying and afraid the dogs were going to get her.
Matt rushing around trying to keep the kids away, while trying to convince me to walk away from it. Rabiessssssss!!!
Boys rushing me in hopes of having their chance at a possible grab and a closer look.

 We tried repeatedly to return her to the area where we believe her families nest was but she came back to me time after time.  The mother instinct, as silly as it sounds, kicked in my heart and I reached down and she crawled up into my arms.

 We were kind of in a situation because we couldn't leave her out there to be killed by other animals, especially my incredibly interested dogs.  We , at the time had no idea ho wold she was or how long she had been out there.The nights had not begun to warm yet so I was concerned with the temperature dropping and her dying from the cold. 
In the end we had Journey with us for about a week.  I had her in a warmed box out by the tree hoping the mother would return for her.  Then the box got closer and closer to the house until it made it inside. Matt thought I had lost my mind completely.   I kept reminding him that I DID NOTwant a pet squirrel but had a duty to do what was right.  I reminded him also that it would be a super cute thing to remember once I was gone from this earth. 
 " Remember kids when your Mom thought it was a good idea to rescue squirrels ?  She sure was a funny lady."

 Journey had to be fed with a syringe and kept warm so it was less work for me with her close by and I could rest easier. Our every attempt to reunite her with her Mama didn't work, so I got the pleasure of playing Mom to one more creature while we located outside help.  Eventually I did end up finding a wild life rehab and we were able to get her where she needed to be to get strong, grow some more and get ready for a release.  Right now she is in a rehab with 8 other abandoned little ones.

The kids cried when we dropped her off.  The rehab staff  assured us that she would have a new family and for sure be happier.  Addy exclaimed that doing the right thing stinks!  Isn't that the truth in life for many situations. Addy, I feel you my little friend.

It all worked out and it was a neat experience for our kids.  Because their tears broke my heart I let Addy stay home from school and we patched the broken hearts with Dunkin Donuts and a trip to Keyes Field playground in Milford. 

May was a good month.  Despite the weather disapointments, we had an exciting month. Full of good material for later Gregg family stories.

"For all forest creatures are mine already, the animals on the mountains in their thousands. I know every bird in the air, whatever moves in the fields is mine."
PSALMS 50:10-11