Sunday, June 26, 2011

Downer to Upper ...........

As I previously shared, its been a hard month. Yesterday turned my heart back upright ( at least we are the right direction). Its was Addison's third dance recital and I was on the go go go. Woke up with the boys way to early to mention the obscene time and didn't stop till bedtime which was far too late for a 4 year old....past ten! I was so tired on the ride home that I confessed my irrational fear to my husband, that I may have early on set dementia...driving the usual road at one point looked completely unfamiliar. I eventually stopped being a spaz and chalked it up to exhaustion. At the end of a typical day I feel like I lost my smarts....this day was an extreme version of that.

A huge thank you to all the family that made the trek over to see Addy perform. She was so excited and this Mama loves to share these momentous occasions with the ones I love. A heartfelt thank you to my Mom in law and father in law for opening their home to everyone afterwards. Certainly a day that will not be forgotten
( although I was relentlessly given a hard time and teased by my father and husband....mildly

An even bigger thank you to the God that placed me where He did. I don't think He had any problem in His time of my creation, He knew I would be in good hands. He knew how the story would unfold and I am loving my part. My hope is that even in the fun and silly times I continue to bring Glory to His name.

Hope you enjoy these photos as much as I did experiencing this time. Here are some picture highlights to what turned out to be day wrapped in awesomeness ( yes...that is a word). Did I mention how after a long beautiful blessing filled day, I feel like a complete fool for thinking life terrible and dark? Maybe I just needed a wake up call. Enjoy xo

( I still cannot manage posts well so the pictures are not in pretty order...I was born way before technology became so difficult. Im pretty sure my daughter could figure it out before me)

Let your love be sincere ; hate what is evil , but hold fast to that which is good. 
Romans 12:9

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gods Love In Times Of Fear....

As many of you know , I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for our sins. I believe He lived a sinless life. I believe He created me. I believe with every ounce of who I am and we lead our family with the knowledge of this.

Regardless of how a Christian is supposed to 'act', I am no where near perfect. Knowing my scripture fairly well and keeping a conversation with the Lord all day long, I still find myself in unbelief sometimes. Take this month for example. ...

Dear friends of ours lost a baby. I prayed.

Another friend also lost a desired pregnancy. I prayed harder.

A love one dove deep into their depression and alcohol addiction. Prayed for them till I couldn't pray anymore.

Last night a family we know lost a loved one, one we actually were very fond of. It hurt....I walked through this home sad, knowing she raised her own children in this very home. My daughter and I embraced at bedtime and lifted her up in prayer.

Right now , while I type, one of my best friends is sleepless. Her fiance is on a respirator in an ICU unit. He is younger than I. Cancer. She is devastated and I am frozen in my tracks with fear and worry for them. I pray all day.

These are just some of the trials going on all around me. Instead of leaning on Him and diving into His word and promise I am paralyzed with fear. This is not my typical reaction. This frightens me. I suppose its part of being human. To worry and throw your hands up. I can often times be caught in this position...arms up, giving it to Him. This morning I am grateful to serve a God who knows my heart and lifts my burdens when they become too heavy. I know that even in the darkest hour He is beside me. I take comfort in knowing that when I am worn and no longer have the words to say to these loved ones that He gives them to me. They are all in His book. I will rest this weary heart today with the knowledge that neither life nor death can get in between the creator and His children whom He loves.

Thank you Jesus

Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice. 

I pray that you..may have power with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:17-19

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gerber Contest 2011




Once again Gerber is conducting a 'cute' kid contest or something or other. Of course , being biased, my children are painfully adorable. I always told myself I would never engage in these kinds of things BUT the chance at a $ 50,000.00 scholarship for one of them to put away for college is a perfect reason to do so. So, here they are. The three loves of my life.

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:1-4

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Dad

Drew Arthur Beckler
My Dad

My father is a nut.
Says inappropriate things at inappropriate times to people he sometimes doesn't know.
He does strange things like go to the dump and bring home as much as he can.
Tells horrible jokes.
He worked so much when I was a kid that I would get excited for him to get home just to have him around.
He would crack up his cars all the time from falling asleep at the wheel and I would worry constantly.
Shares his bodily functions and happenings on a daily basis.
Squeezes my knees which I run from.
Can eat 16 english muffins.
Rides loud motorcycles.
Has too many cars.
Worries constantly.

My father is a gem.
He has the kindest heart.
He will obsess about the hurts of others.
He calls almost daily.
He has a hard time getting off the phone because he has to say I love you a dozen times as quickly as he can.
He obsesses about the safety of his children at all those candles, can he get hurt on that? will they choke...blah blah....(DAD everything is ok!)
He still opens the car doors for his wife.
He hugs and kisses me every time we meet and every time we leave one another.
He spoils my children with attention and goodies.
Growing up he worked three jobs so we could have a nice life.
My Dad is my friend and it makes me panic to think that someday I wont have him.
My Dad has diabetes and doesn't take care of himself.
I give him a hard time every time we are together and try to explain how badly I need him around.

My Dad is the best and I love him dearly. The passage of time makes my heart skip beats I swear. Ive learned too well in my life that people can be taken from you with no notice at all. That's why I wan to be like my Dad and love my family with everything that I am and let them know how important they are at every turn. Dad is an amazing role model on how to love. I love you Dad. You are a blessing and I am grateful that out of all the men in the world, God gave you to me.

Happy Fathers Day

Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching. Proverbs 1:8

Bedtime. Getting there...

This is a very happy girl at the end of a typical day. Its about 8:00pm and that makes for a day that is just too long. Why is she smiling ?? Because the boys are going down for the night. What does that mean? Addy gets undivided attention and maybe even snuggles along side an episode of Shaun the Sheep, from both parents
( mind you a cartoon after a mothers heart. No voices to the cartoon, just cute sheep behaving badly).

Praise God I have a husband who participates in the care of our children at every step he is here and not on a to do list or working. He is a gem. A royal pain in the behind with his fresh wit, but I have actually come to know him better than I thought I could. Its like an art....kind of like when you can be in the loudest room with your kids and completely shut your ears off to the nonsense. Its a skill I highly recommend learning.

When we first brought these boys home I thought we would never make it out alive. We have though and we are doing it full of love and patience. As a team. They are actually doing really well with sleep as they grow and we have a pretty great system going on. We have had to adjust it quite a few times but we are always looking out for each other. As most know we spent the first 3 months of George and Andrews lives camped out on the living room floor. Survival mode. At one point we even had a futon mattress as a make-shift bed for the poor soul 'on duty'. We are still on shifts with these five month old buggers but they have graduated to their cribs. Yay Boys!!

Although sleep time at the Greggs still isnt the dream of an experience we wish for, it works. Mommy to bed with Addy at 8:30 ( Mom asleep by 930!) and Daddy is on duty till 3:00am. Typically they only wake once or twice to feed but its quickly back to la la land. I know all you Moms of working Dads probably want to smack me for the sleep I get and wonder how Matt is with this. Well...Gregg men are not sleepers so the time he is up is actually precious Dad refresh time with the quiet. He has always functioned in this way. Of course this Mom still is grateful and well aware of how lucky I am to raise kids in this way. Like I said...I am LUCKY.

So. We are all happy and working it out. In short, its all falling nicely into place. Its even fun if you can imagine it. My children are precious , funny and beautiful. My husband is a stand up man. My friend Sarah said it beautifully.." your spouse is a gift from God (as one of his children) to you. Another good thing to think about is to ask yourself if at the end of your life will you present them back to God better than when he gave them to you, or will they be worn out and beat up?"

God bless you today xo

If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.Proverbs 3:3:24

Thursday, June 16, 2011

June....Summer Days

An afternoon out back....I guess this makes George happy.

Andrew.....just not so sure. :)

We just started using feeder bags so the boys could get a taste for some real summer fruits and vegetables. They love it. Good thing they are in more control of their own arms to hold tight. When they lose it, watch out!!

Watermelon. Yum.

Thank goodness I have a husband willing to get into the trenches. Especially the sticky and drooly ones. Gregg boys sure can eat.

Typical afternoon with the backyard group of kids. One of the few moments they stop moving. It could be a while before this opportunity presents itself again .

We have some pretty wonderful friends who happen to love and adore our children as we do theirs. My kids feel so comfy in the arms of these wonderful people. What a blessing to experience life with great friends.

Our good friends Shana and Stewart took a trip and got these for the boys even before they arrived. How much cuter can it get?

Made for this kind of thing.

I love these men.

This family does not lack personality. Do you see that little girls over dramatic expression? She is quite a special little one. Never a dull moment is so good with such a super little helper. Daddy and Mommy just adore you Addy!!

I was a fool to think I could create a blog with any real quality. Basically my plan is to do picture updates and eventually print this out in book form for my children to enjoy with my Gran-kids in years to come. My hands are full and life is so 'juicy' with entertainment and to-dos that I just have to give the idea up. I'll never be a writer. I'll never win awards for my ability to blog. There are alot of 'ideas' I've just thrown out because I simply cant give up this precious time trying to document instead of really experiencing it.

The babies are napping and my daughter is frolicking in the backyard ( most likely shoe and shirtless).....If the stars align once again, see you back here. Until then, God bless you and keep you healthy and smiling. This day is a gift .

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. John 14:3

Blessings Grow Quickly

Addy is growing like a weed. She is very tall for her age and weighed 45lbs at her last appointment. I remember her as a tiny little baby and it takes my breath away to see the beautiful little girl she is becoming. Above all things she is a ball of empathy. Her heart is pure. She loves hard and plays hard. She is out of preschool for the summer so this Mom is wiped trying to come up with things to keep her busy. Good thing she loves the outdoors. She is spunky, adventurous and has an incredible imagination. She is going to be a VERY cool woman someday. According to her she is going to be a doctor and a teacher so we shall see. She is a miracle.


Andrew is our little chunky Monkey. Dont let his tiny head fool you into thinking he is our little guy. He is bigger than George now! Short and chunky, just like we like em'. He is a Mommys boy for sure. His new thing is refusing to sit. He is in constant arch the back mode and is driving me crazy with the need to be uncooperative. Good thing those dimples light up a room. Right now he is enjoying gnawing his fists and scooting around army style. His favorite thing to do is play with his sister...he is the most ticklish one we have and she knows all the spots. His laughter is contagious. He is precious and wonderful.


George is my little fuss budget. My handsome cuddler. He is either screaming or smiling and winning the ladies over. His smile is perfectly crooked. He is long and lean but has a big old head. Gorgeous gorgeous hair that is just long enough now to lay flat. For months I was fighting the mohawk, now he is looking styled. He could melt you though. When he smiles his entire face opens up and he starts to shake with excitement. Literally kidding. He loves to stand and try to walk around. We can often find him on the opposite side of the room from where we left him. This kid may become the tiniest walker....Im scared. He is magnificent!

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11